Pinterest Exposing Your Business!

Last week we talked about How Pinterest can help you market your business.  Now, How do we go about this? How to Make Images Stand Out on Pinterest!

I was given a link in my class to an infograph called Pinterest Image Optimization posted by Mashable.

Ya’ll know I like Infographs!

Basically, follow commonly known social media etiquette and strategies!

  • Use interesting Titles
  • Be Original
  • Remember this is Social Networking not Advertising
  • Link your Pins so readers know were to go for more Information
  • Make as Easy as Possible for readers to navigate  (I’m lazy)
  • Use Keywords/Tags

Blow Your Posts Out The Internet Sea!

Okay, So your writing your blog.

And you put your blood, sweat and maybe some tears into it…….. And it’s Awesome!

Now, you get to the Title and all your creative juices are spent……..

It’s so common and easy to forget about how important your Titles are.

These Blogs helped me understand about this important and commonly forgotten nugget:

Copywriting: How to improve headlines on landing pages and blog posts– Gives more explanation on Headlines like Headline Theory & Attributes of Value

Are You Writing Rockin’ Blog Post Titles? I could NOT have explained Title importance Better! Simple Sweet and To the Point!

I really enjoyed learning more about writing Titles for my blog with both of these sites. I believe if you want your blog to get in the eyes of readers around the world, Your Titles and Descriptions are Very Important!


When I’m looking for info on the Internet I pick and choose what I’m gonna look at by what I read first. If I’m not interested in what I read,

I’m passing your blog by…..

Without second thoughts!

This is the order most people read internet searches:

  • Read Headline Search Engine Gives
  • Read Description Underneath
  • Click The Headline To Go Read More

If I’m interested in the Headline, I will read the Description, then, and only then, if I am still interested, I will click the Link.

From now on, Promise Yourself this one thing! You will reserve some energy and creativity for your blog/post/headline/titles!

   You have great information to offer!

And I should be reading your hard work!

Don’t forget to put a bit of sweat-blood-and-maybe-some-tears into that Title!


Who sees it? Monitoring Your Online Reputation

How to Monitor Your Online Reputation

Not to be mistaken with DIY, this infograph is simply how to do it right!

You want your business to go Places. Right? Then your business needs a voice, a face and a personality.

Today I’m gonna share an infograph on keeping up with your Social Media reputation.

Just like any other relationship, your online social media presence is dependent on communication and dedication. Think of your business as an Extrovert, eager

to make friends and keep them. Business wants to see whats going on with friends and neighbors and be expected at every party because everyone else feels like your business is

their wing-man. ‘Hehehe’ (so to speak).

Before you get to poken around in other people’s ‘business’ remember to be courteous and have a customer service mindset.
This is not about spying. It’s about Friendship. Do unto others as you would have them do unto you……

Now for the spying part.

If your gonna have an online presence you probably want to know how to “Know when people are checking you out”!

This guide may help a bit. It shows how you can keep up a presence and be helpful to customers by knowing yourself, your business and your goals.

I know you probably started your business for yourself, however, it’s not about you anymore. Never forget, Your business is for  your customers! One for All-All for One!

Opening the Box! Photography Studio Lighting Starts… at the box.

Our photography skill is in natural outdoor lighting and because of some important shoots that require us to be indoors, my business partner and I have decided to expand our knowledge to studio lighting!
The lighting kit we chose to use is by Linco Inc called Morning Glory.

I asked my partner, Jennifer, to write her experience opening the package for the first time! So, I’m handing her the mic…  uh, keyboard…..

‘”Yay! my package is here…(rummage sounds)…
Wait!… I have to call Twyla…(dialing beeps)…
“Did you open it, Did u open it?”
“No, I was waiting on you”
Open! Open! Open!”
(tape ripping)


Ok, so now that you feel like you were there with me for the awesome unavailing of DragonVision Photography’s new lighting equipment, I will let you in on how i felt about it…
“It was Awesome!!!”
We ordered our 3 morning glory lights with snoot-able reflectors and stands complete with 3 backdrops and a backdrop stand
off of the internet and didn’t expect to get them in for at least a week so when I found a giant box waiting for me  at home (after only 3 days) I was ecstatic…
I ripped into that box to reveal that only half of it was there…
I was crushed…
I emailed the company and we nail biting-ly waited for a reply.
The next day there was, to my surprise, another giant box awaiting at my door step!
Upon opening it, I discovered the other half of my pieces had apparently got separated in shipping…
We set up the kit and couldn’t wait to play with our new toys…
I mean do a trial run through of our expensive new equipment…
We continuously found distraction upon distraction irritatingly pulling us away from our objective…
phone calls…
people showing up…
grumbly tummies…
Nothing would let us do what we really wanted to be doing…
Those poor lonely lights calling out to us…
feeling so abandoned…
It wasn’t until dark that we finally got to get our hands on the camera…
That brings us to the first wonderful thing…
That is nearly… no… actually impossible when you specialize in natural lighting…

We tried out the black backdrop.
Fun Fact… Black swallows up light like a snake eats a rat…
but I’m sure you already knew that…
We forgot this little fact and we tried to use only one of the three morning glory lights and set it to snoot (which gives a more direct, hard light, however,  does dim it a little bit)
This resulted in very grainy pictures…
We had to rethink how to approached this little predicament…

After some adjusting of our thought process and the lights I think we might have got a small handle on it…”




Thank you, Jennifer! ….

So, now about the lights!

LincoInc is a Professional Photography retail company selling lighting and green screen equipment. They sell just about anything you could dream of needing for photography or recording necessities!

The Morning Glory’s have proven to be a great choice for our beginning endeavor! Very versatile, and light weight, with powerful 85W Softwhite Daylight Photo Energy Bulbs! When we hooked up all three lights, it really looked like the roof was missing and a full daylight sun was shining through! Check them out at

For more information on DragonVision Photography in Oklahoma City Oklahoma.

Social Media Marketing on Instagram?

Wow! That floored me! I never considered using Instagram to market my photography business. I use Instagram all the time for personal stuff, like posting pictures of my cat……… (crickets)

                                                                                                                                                                                           Now, I’m gonna second guess what I post here on out!

socialmediatoday posted an infograph that talks about the do’s and don’t’s of marketing your business on Instagram!

If your going to use Instagram for marketing you need to know how Instagram is different than other social media sites  to be able to reach out successfully.

Check out socialmediatoday‘s post for some valuable guidance!